10 Responsive Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Responsive web design is the need of the hour. It is important to invest in this design to ensure your website is easily accessible across devices. This, in turn, helps fetch greater traffic and contributes towards higher returns. The importance of this design is being recognised world over and people have started investing in it. Nevertheless, many of them aren’t seeing as much return. Why? Because they are likely making certain design mistakes. Top website development companies in Gurgaon steer clear of these mistakes. They possess the required knowledge and experience to churn a high yielding website. However, not every web developer has that kind of knowledge and skill. Small mistakes on their part can cost you a great deal. What are the top responsive web design mistakes? Let’s find out.


  1. Use of Heavy Graphics, Plugins and Themes

Vibrant, high quality graphics and elaborate themes enhance the appeal of a website. Web designers use them to attract readers and prompt them to come back for more. But what if we tell you that these things are doing more harm to your website than good? Yes, you heard it right. Such content and design may be great to look at however it slows the page load speed drastically. Hefty plugins and modules also lead to this issue. And no one has the time to wait too long. Users move to the next best option if a website takes too long to load. Thus, it is imperative to avoid such images, videos and themes. You must also avoid the use of too many infographics and videos. Mobile users are mainly browsing through to get important information. Thus, it is better to concentrate on the same.


  1. Guiding to Non-Mobile Friendly Websites

Your responsive web design may be on point. Your website may be offering an excellent browsing experience but are the back links on your site equally good? If they aren’t then it is likely hampering your image. You must avoid linking your pages to non-mobile friendly websites even if they are loaded with informative content. It is a good idea to check the speed and other elements of the external source before including its link.


  1. Not Investing in High Security Features

One of the first things business owners should pay attention to is the security feature of the website. After all, your website is the reflection of your business and you cannot let anyone tamper with it. Moreover, if your site is not secure, the users will receive a message advising them not to move further with it. Yet security features are often overlooked. Businesses shell substantial amounts of money on the graphics, layout and design but not as much on security features.. In order to be considered safe to browse you must acquire an HTTPS certificate.


  1. Hiding Content

Many designers hide some content while creating layout for mobile devices in an attempt to enhance the page load speed. But this is not how it works! Even if you hide the content, it will still load thereby impacting the loading speed. It is better to do away with the unnecessary content rather than hiding it. This will help the page load faster.


  1. Overlooking the Importance of AB Testing

It is suggested to test your responsive web design on different devices to check its performance before making it live. It is best to run your site through Google’s Mobile Friendly Test. This will help identify UX issues. So, you can fix them timely.


  1. Ignoring the Buyer’s Persona

As a designer, it is important to know the buyer’s persona to create a website that appeals to them. Not having a clear understanding about the buyer’s persona or ignoring this aspect is another responsive web design mistake designers make. It is important to understand different segments of users that may be interested in your products and services. And design your website accordingly.


  1. Focusing on Devices; Neglecting the Screen Size

A common responsive web design mistake designers make is focusing on the devices rather than screen size. It needs to be understood that mobile phones come in different sizes and so do other devices such as laptops and tabs. Some mobile phones have a screen as big as a tablet. Likewise, the screen size of laptops also varies drastically. Thus, it is only wise to use screen size as a responsive breakpoint.


  1. Not Placing the CTAs Appropriately

Some designers skip the CTA buttons. Many others place them at places that do not draw the attention of readers. Either way, you are hindering action. To prompt the users to take action and move to the next step in their buyer’s journey, it is important to place the CTAs strategically. Having said that, do not overuse this feature. Your readers should not be overwhelmed by it.


  1. Improper Placement of Social Media Links

Your website must be embedded with links to your social media platforms. This helps in establishing a better connection with the readers. However, incorrect placement of these links can work against you. For instance, many designers make the mistake of placing these links at the top of the website. This drives the visitors to these pages without exploring your website.


  1. Making the Copy Hard to Read

Your web pages must have a pleasant appeal and should be easy to navigate and read. The content on your site should neither be too small or too big. Choose appropriate font size, place the images tactfully and embed other design elements appropriately. Likewise, e-commerce portals must have product images, prices and other details next to each other. The user shouldn’t have to try too hard to look for such information.

In a nutshell, heavy graphics and themes, improper placement of social media links and CTAs and hiding content are among some common responsive web design mistakes. Neglecting the screen size, making the copy hard to read and overlooking the importance of buyer persona are a few more. Many designers also ignore the importance of security features and AB testing. Seeking help from a reputed web designing company in Faridabad can help avoid such mistakes.

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