New Website ideas to make money

A report from Statista says that there are 4.66 billion internet users in the world today. That whopping number constitutes more than half the world population. 

And if we talk about the number of the websites running live on the internet, that will sum up to 2 billion.

Amazing, right!

So, do you think the traffic generated is equally divided between these sites? If your answer is NO, then you can never be more right.

The traffic you can gain largely depends on your website. With the best website ideas, you can grab most of the traffic and translate it into good money. 

You can even approach a website designing company that helps you get the best new website ideas to make money. 

If you are looking for some impressive and unique money-making website ideas, this blog post is just for you.

website design ideas

Here, You Will Find the Perfect Ideas for Your Next Website.

So, let’s get started.

Start A Blogging Site

Blogs are one of the popular website ideas that many SEO companies and other businesses use to get customers on board and earn profits. 

Write a blog on a topic you are passionate about and publish the same on your website. Add the related keywords, and boom, find people crawling to your website. Additionally, the blogging site can also become the platform to launch more websites and make your audience know about your new endeavors. 

Blogging is a profitable website idea to use. With it, you can even promote affiliate products, display ads, sell direct advertisements, and much more to make good money.

Online Stores Are On A Rise

Another great website idea is to build an eCommerce store. In the digitally-driven world, and given the pandemic situation, customers prefer to buy products online. There has been a rise in eCommerce sales over the past few years.

It is easy to create an eCommerce website and sell things online. You can effortlessly build an eCommerce store with WooCommerce, a popular eCommerce platform that runs on WordPress. 

The platform allows you to sell any type of physical, digital, or virtual products that need shipping. The buyers can make online payments via PayPal, Paytm, or any other payment services.

Educational Websites 

It’s a great idea to build a website for students and teachers who want to share their knowledge and earn money. Through the website, teachers can solve academic problems and issues most students face, and students can learn better from the comfort zones. 

You can even create a website that helps people around the globe learn new languages through live classes, audio, videos, and other tutorials.

Personal Services Websites

The personal services market is on a roll right now. If you can provide a service or have any in mind, contact a website designing company and brainstorm the idea to get an efficiently functioning website designed around the service. This way, you can provide a specific service to customers through a website and make money.

Membership Websites

The next idea that can help you earn online is by creating a membership-based website. If your website offers great content to users and they keep coming back to you, then you can restrict access to some content that can only be accessed by paid members.

The content could be anything, like marketing tactics, online courses, videos, audios, etc. You can easily create a membership website through a WordPress plugin called Member-press. Through the plugin, you can create subscriptions, restrict access, and create different membership plans that your customers can buy as per their needs.

Don’t Drop The Idea Of A Drop-shipping Website

Drop shipping is another fantastic idea you can go with to get the best return on your investment. It’s just like an eCommerce store where customers can buy products, but the only difference is that the products are shipped directly by the vendor. 

This way, you don’t have to take stress about managing and storing stuff, maintaining the inventory, and shipping products. Additionally, you can sell a wide range of products hassle-freely.

Recipes or Food Websites are loved by all

If you want to get more traffic that is easy to monetize, going for creating a food website can be your best decision. You can easily build a website where you can share recipes, write food blogs, discuss different cuisines or healthy diets, and much more. 

Such websites make great money through ads, selling membership subscriptions, and affiliate marketing.

You can use WordPress Plugins that will help you create recipes in SEO-friendly format or contact an SEO company to perform the task for you.

End your Hunt With A Job Hunt Website

Creating a job hunt website is one of the best ideas to generate a good amount of money based on user-generated content.

The website will allow companies to post job listings, and job seekers can use it to search for jobs.

To create a job search engine, there are multiple WordPress plugins you can use. They will also help you create a payment gateway through which you can take online payments from companies for every job listing they post.


Apart from the website ideas mentioned above, there are more you can invest in to get better returns. Some of them are building a review website, photography site, news website, and the list goes on. 

Take help from a website designing company that will guide you in the right direction and help you build an awesome website. 

So, get the word about your website out and start making money.

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