Difference between WordPress & PHP Websites

WordPress and PHP websites are quite different from each other in various aspects. Both these boast of their own set of benefits making it extremely difficult to decide as to which one to opt for. One requires understanding a clear difference between the two in order to identify as to which is the best platform for website as per his/her particular requirement. Here is a look at the key differences between WordPress and PHP websites:

  • Flexibility

WordPress scores more when it comes to flexibility. If you are aiming for a blog or site which requires regular modification of content, images as well as layout and appearance then you must go for WordPress. It is easier done on a WordPress site than a PHP website. You can experiment with different layouts and looks before you opt for one and change it as frequently as you want. So, you get the ease of creating a more dynamic website with WordPress.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

One of the main things that need consideration while choosing anything is the budget. If you have budget constraints or simply don’t want to invest much on developing and maintaining a website then WordPress is what you should go for. WordPress is a content management system and building a site on it is cost effective compared to PHP. The time as well as money spent on developing and maintaining WordPress is less. It can, of course, go high as one opts for premium themes and plugins.

  • Google Ranking

Content Management System (CMS) is known to be Search Engine Optimization friendly and it is a known fact that SEO plays a key factor in determining the Google ranking of a site. Since WordPress is a content management system, it is a better choice compared to PHP sites because of this factor too. In fact, this is one of the main factors for the popularity of WordPress.

  • User Experience

WordPress is often referred to as a user-friendly site and this most certainly is true. It includes a simple interface which is easy to operate. Handling PHP website, on the other hand, requires technical knowledge. Even the beginners can work and maintain WordPress site with ease. WordPress has several plug-ins and it is easy to set it up. However, this is not the case with PHP sites. 

  • Productivity

WordPress guarantees more productivity to the users. PHP, on the other hand, offers less productivity though it ensures faster-processing speed. Since PHP makes use of its own memory, the server load as well as the loading time decreases and thus the processing gets faster.

  • Security

It is a common misconception that WordPress has security issues and that PHP website is a safer option. On the contrary, a PHP site can be as much vulnerable to attacks and a WordPress site can be safe and secure to use if the developer takes all the cautions. So, when it comes to security both the sites can be safe to use. It is suggested to hire a knowledgeable and well experienced developer who knows the importance of developing a secure website and has all the tools to ensure the same.

  • Easier Uploads

WordPress websites do not require HTML coding. This is why uploading blog posts, images and other content becomes easier here and so does editing the already uploaded content. PHP, on the other hand, requires writing some codes. Thus, uploading and editing requires technical knowledge and can be time consuming.

WordPress scores more on various aspects as compared to PHP sites. However, whether you should go for PHP or WordPress completely depends on your specific requirement. You must understand and assess the difference between the two (which can be done by going through the aforementioned points) and then make a decision about which one to opt for. Better still, you should seek help from a professional web development company. Creative Brainweb, based in Faridabad, is one of the best companies to consult when it comes to web designing and developing.

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