How To Optimize Your Website For Voice Search?

Voice search started as a small concept but now has become one of the popular trends in the search industry. The concept came into existence with the arrival of smartphones and then gained pace with smart speakers and voice assistants worldwide.

Internet users can’t get enough of the convenience of searching with voice, making it crucial for businesses to optimize their sites for voice search.

If you are having a hard time optimizing your site, find a web designing company in Faridabad to do the task. They will have experienced personnel who can optimize your site for today and the future.

Otherwise, here are a few tactics to optimize a website for voice search:


Use Long-Tail Keywords


Businesses can begin by using actionable keywords in their site’s schema markup. This will allow the website to show search engines that they contain more useful information when people do specific searches. 

When a user uses a voice search, the answer they receive is probably not from the first result on Google. Long-tail can help your website be the answer to a voice query as they are more specific, longer, and better targeted.

One can use tools like AnswerThePublic, to find long-tail keywords specific to their respective industry.


Turn Queries Into Questions


Instead of using the product or service description as a keyword, use something that searcher would say. For example, instead of “web design services,” use a phrase like “the best website development company in Gurgaon.” Using specific keywords will improve the likelihood of your website answering the users’ questions.


Content Optimization Is Must


The main thing businesses must do to answer voice queries is to create content that is relational and usable. Avoid overstuffing the content as too many keywords will make the content quality drop, making it fail in its attempt to reach the target audience.


Mobile Responsiveness Cannot Be Neglected


Voice search came into play with the introduction of mobile devices. Businesses should ensure that the entire website content is designed for mobile. A mobile-friendly website has more chances of getting quality leads than a website that is only functional on desktops.


Optimize For Local Searches


Most of the local searches are for local information. As per Hubspot, there are likely to be three times more local searches than text-based ones. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on the local element of SEO. It is a fundamental part that cannot be overlooked. Local searches account for almost half of the total searches and can make searches step into the business’s physical doorway to purchase. 


Optimize For Future Snippets


Google snippet or feature snippet is the box that appears under the search bar. It contains precise information dragged from a relevant website. Optimizing your content against specific queries can make it feature in the snippet. This will boost the business’s visibility, irrespective of where the website ranks on SERPs. 


Work on Your ‘Google My Business” Profile


Optimize your “Google My Business” profile with name, hours of operation, address, and other relevant information your target customers would like to know. This will make your business listing come on top when a potential customer searches for products or services you offer. Google listings boost a brand’s search ranking and create an influx of quality traffic.


Target The Right Area


Take help from a reliable web designing agency in Faridabad or use marketing metrics to ensure that the business is targeting the right area.

The best way to do so is by:

Adding the region name, like website development company in Gurgaon, to content and metadata.

Creating location-specific web pages that include more than just the address.

Using visuals relating to the area with alt-text tags.

Tagging images & videos with the name of the geographic area.


Improve Loading Time


Loading time matters a lot to decrease bounce rate. If a site takes more than 3 seconds to load, customers will move on to the next option in search results. Additionally, people are using the voice search feature to save time and are not likely to wait for a website to load completely. Therefore, it’s better to work on the website’s loading speed to make visitors convert into customers.




With every passing year, voice search is on the surge, making it necessary for every business to use it for its benefit. In addition, consumer behavior is continuously changing, and digital marketers must prepare themselves for any marketing trend to meet customer expectations to ensure customer satisfaction.

Top tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are already on the move and have optimized their online presence for voice search. Therefore, every business should get inspired to specialize in voice search SEO to monetize its benefits.

The strategies listed above can help you rank better for voice search. Find out which strategy works best for you and get started to stay abreast with the most buzzing trend of voice search.

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